Dear RSU 21 Community,
I am writing regarding the recent allegations about a candidate for the interim teaching position at Kennebunk High School.
We have learned that the candidate is facing felony embezzlement charges in Conway, New Hampshire. Although the Board did authorize me to offer employment to the candidate, to date I have not offered employment, and no employment contract has been prepared, sent, or accepted. The law requires three steps (nomination, board approval, and offer of employment contract) before a teacher can be hired, and this process has not been completed. Given the uncertainty around this situation, I have decided not to offer an employment contract to the candidate.
At the time the candidate applied, she underwent our standard comprehensive hiring process, including thorough background and reference checks. These checks revealed no disqualifying information at the time. The district had no knowledge of the alleged conduct when the School Board approved her appointment as this came to light very recently.
The safety and well-being of our students remain our highest priority.
Terri I. Cooper, Ed.D.
RSU 21 Superintendent
Message from Dr. Cooper regarding recent hiring recommendation
Message from Dr. Cooper regarding recent hiring recommendation