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Third-annual Summer Boost program helps ensure no learning loss for RSU 21 students

Third-annual Summer Boost program helps ensure no learning loss for RSU 21 students

KENNEBUNK, Maine - Staff at RSU 21 continue to work tirelessly to ensure that there is no summer learning loss for the students who have opted to participate in extra learning over the summer. 

RSU 21 is in the third year of its Summer Boost Program, which serves K-8 students. This program runs simultaneously with the district’s High School Credit Recovery Program for students in grades 9-12.   

Summer Boost is a skill-based program that provides focused, accelerated learning. The program aims to maintain and enhance student achievement and provide a strong foundation for the start of the upcoming school year. 

Summer Boost 2024

Preparation for this year’s program began in April with two weeks of staff interviews to determine their roles, followed by a two-day orientation in late June. It was during this time that they reviewed the general logistics of the program, trained on the different literacy and math curricula, familiarized themselves with the student data and progress monitoring required throughout the program, and were able to work collaboratively to plan and prepare for students’ arrival on July 1. 

That first day was a great success at both KES and KHS. Students got to know their teachers and their classmates as they all come from different schools across the district. A record-setting 64% of eligible high schoolers attended that first week, compared to 54% in summer 2023.  

The program’s second day, on July 2, featured a family engagement event with the Crepe Elizabeth food truck at KES and breakfast catered by Mornings in Paris at the high school. Families met their students’ Summer Boost teachers and other families who were participating in the program. 

Summer Boost 2024

Another family engagement event is planned for August 1, with food from the Maine-ly Meatballs food truck, to celebrate the end of the program.