Curriculum and Assessment
The Curriculum & Assessment Office is responsible for a broad range of areas including: The overall management of district curriculum, instruction, staff professional development and assessment practices.
RSU 21 provides K-12 Curriculum Guiding Documents to the public. These resources outline learning across content areas and buildings throughout the district. Professional development is aligned to support implementation of curriculum and identify effective instructional strategies that will lead to improved student learning.
Assessment is a complex set of tools and processes that educators use to measure student achievement and to inform instructional planning. In RSU 21 we use a wide range of measures to ensure that we are preparing our students with the knowledge and skills to be successful in post-secondary education and in the workforce.This includes designing and implementing compliance expectations of the State of Maine Learning Results and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Each year, the State of Maine publishes State, District, and School information online, at
For additional information about Curriculum and Assessment contact , Assistant Superintendent.