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Special Services

The Regional School Unit 21 Special Services Department strives to meet the individual
educational needs of all the students we serve. Services are provided to students
eligible for Special Education, Gifted and Talented, Multi-Lingual Learners, and
Section 504 accommodations.

Special Services offers a full continuum of services K-12 to meet each of our student’s
diverse needs.  Our staff is dedicated and committed to providing each of our students’
a successful educational experience through appropriate individualization of services to
meet the unique needs of all the students served.

Our Special Education Department is dedicated to improving results for students with
disabilities by providing a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive
environment for children with disabilities (ages 5 to 22). Special Education services are
available to all students who are found eligible under state and federal laws and

Our Gifted and Talented program offers academic consultation to students K-3, and
direct programming to grades 4-12 as well as visual and performing arts opportunities.
Approximately 3-5% of our students are served through the Gifted and Talented

Multi-lingual learners are students with a primary home language other than
English. Our district serves Multi-lingual learners and offers a variety of supports
to ensure that these students can meet the same challenging academic standards as
their peers while also acquiring English.

Section 504 is part of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to combat discrimination
against individuals with disabilities. Students with a physical or mental impairment that
substantially limits a major life activity may be eligible for Section 504 accommodations
or services.

Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you found the information helpful. If you have
any questions or require any additional information please feel free to contact Rachel Bratter, Director of Special Services, at (207) 985-3960.


Rachel Bratter, Special Services Director
Rachel Bratter

Rachel Bratter
Special Services Director
177 Alewive Road
Kennebunk, ME 04043
Phone: 207.985.3960