- Section B: Board Governance and Operations
While each of the Board’s standing committees will have a specific charge, all standing committees will have the responsibility to clarify issues, research information, and/or develop recommendations for action for consideration by the entire Board.
- Requirements for Establishment of Standing Committees
All standing committees shall be established by vote of the Board. A motion to establish a standing committee shall state the purpose and responsibilities of the committee (the “charge”) and set the number of members comprising the committee.
- Established Standing Committees
The Board will create the following standing committees to work in the defined areas of responsibility.
- Communications
- Curriculum
- Facilities and Operations
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Policy
C. Standing Committee Membership
The Chair of the Board, after conferring with the Vice Chair, will appoint all Board standing committee members. Committees may include up to five (5) members of the Board.
D. Appointment of Committee Chairs
At the first meeting in the school year, each committee will vote to appoint a committee chair based on a majority vote of subcommittee members present and voting.
E. Appointment of Administrative Representatives
The Superintendent will appoint all representatives of the professional staff.
F. Community Participation
RSU 21 encourages the regular participation of community members. The expertise and input from our community are vital to the decision making process of the Board and its Standing and Advisory Committees.
G. Advisory Committees
The Board retains the right to establish advisory committees as it judges necessary to meet a specific or short term need. These advisory committees will be created with a specific character/purpose and be given a tentative timeline for reporting back to the Board. The Board will issue a written charge to the Committee, including, without limitation, its roles, responsibilities, membership, duration, and duty to reports to the Board.
The Chair of the Board may appoint member(s) to advisory committees or boards to represent the Board and facilitate communication.
H. Meeting Notification of Standing Committees
Notice of standing committee meetings should be provided in a manner consistent with the Board’s policy and practice concerning notification of Board meetings in the Agenda Preparation and Dissemination section of policy BEDB - Agenda
I. Meeting Notification of Advisory Committees
Notice of advisory committee meetings should be provided in a manner consistent with the Board's policy and practice concerning notification of Board meetings in the Agenda Preparation and Dissemination section of policy BEDB - Agenda.
Cross reference:
BDEA Finance Committee
BDEB Policy Committee
BDEC Facilities and Operations Committee
BDED Human Resources Committee
BDEE Communications Committee
IGA Curriculum Development and Adoption
Adopted: 06/01/09
Amended: 11/01/10
Amended: 10/15/12
Amended: 10/16/17
Amended: 8/2/21
Revised: 4/25/22
Revised: 10/16/23
Revised: 12/2/24
- Section B