- Section B: Board Governance and Operations
Use of email and other electronic communications (including but not limited to texts, chat programs and social media) by School Board of Directors’ (Board) members should conform to the same standards of judgment, propriety and ethics as other forms of school board-related communication. Board members shall comply with the following guidelines when using email and other electronic communications (including but not limited to texts, chat programs and social media) in the conduct of Board responsibilities:
A. The Board shall not use e-mail or other electronic communications (including but not limited to texts, chat programs and social media) as a substitute for deliberations at Board meetings, for other communications or business properly confined to Board meetings, or in any way to defeat the purposes of the Freedom of Access Act.
B. Board members should be aware that e-mails (including attachments such as documents, pictures, audio/video recordings) and other electronic communications (including but not limited to texts, chat programs and social media) received or prepared for use in Board business or containing information relating to Board business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected and copied by any person upon request, unless otherwise made confidential by law.
C. Board members shall avoid reference to confidential information about employees, students or other matters in email and other electronic communications (including but not limited to texts, chat programs and social media) because of the risk of improper disclosure. Board members shall comply with the same standards as school employees with regard to confidential information.
Legal Reference: 1 MRSA § 401 et seq.
20-A MRSA § 6001-6002
20 USC § 1232g
Cross Reference: GBJ – Personnel Records and Files
JRA – Student Educational Records
Adopted: 06/01/09
Revised: 09/18/17
Revised: 6/6/22
- Section B