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  • Section B: Board Governance and Operations


Voting shall ordinarily be by show of hands.  Voting shall be done by roll call at the direction of the Chair, or at the request of any Board member.  When voting by roll call, the names of the members shall be called alphabetically, and each member shall respond “Yes” or “No” or “Abstaining.” Individuals who abstain shall indicate the reason for the abstention. All votes shall be recorded in the minutes.  Whenever the weighted votes are counted, the totals shall be recorded in the minutes.

Maine public officials are obliged to vote openly; thus, secret ballots are not to be used by the School Board.

A motion shall be declared “Carried” upon the affirmative vote of the majority of weighted votes the members present and voting, unless otherwise required by law or Board policy. 

Cross Reference: BEDFA - Abstentions

BED - Remote Participation in School Board Meetings 

Adopted: 06/01/09

Reviewed: 12/01/11

Amended: 06/05/17

Revised: 7/25/22


  • Section B