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  • Section B: Board Governance and Operations


In accordance with Maine law, beginning July 1, 2008, every School Board of Directors (Board) member must complete a course of training on the requirements of Maine’s Freedom of Access law as it relates to public records and proceedings not later than the 120th day after the date they takes the oath of office to assume their duties as an elected official.  Board members serving in office on July 1, must complete the training by November 1.  Freedom of Access training must be repeated each time a Board member is elected to serve a new term. 

At a minimum, the training course must include instruction in:

A. The general legal requirements of the Freedom of Access law regarding public records and public proceedings; 

B. Procedures and requirements regarding complying with a request for a public record under the Freedom of Access law; and, 

C. Penalties and other consequences for failure to comply with the Freedom of Access law.

A Board member may meet the training requirement by conducting a thorough review of all the information made available by the State of Maine on the Frequently Asked Questions portion of its Freedom of Access website (, or by completing any other training course that includes all of this information.Each Board member shall attest by means of a written or 12

Cross Reference: BIA – New Board Member Orientation

BIC-E Certification of Completio

electronic record that they  have completed the training and provided a copy of such record to the Superintendent’s Office. 

To facilitate documentation of training, the Superintendent will make available to Board members copies of the State’s sample Certificate of Completion of Freedom of Access Training form. 

Legal Reference: 1 M.R.S.A. §§ 411, 4

n of Freedom of Access Training Required by M.R.S.A. § 412

KDB – Public’s Right to Know/Freedom of Access 

Adopted: 06/01/09

Amended: 09/18/17 

Revised:  8/29/22

Revised: 10/16/23

  • Section B