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  • Section E: Support Services



RSU #21’s Nutrition and Food Services Department understands that circumstances arise causing students not to have money available in their accounts. These procedures have been developed to be certain that no child goes hungry and that no past due accounts grow to an unmanageable amount. The Point of Sale System in place is a prepaid system. Parents/guardians are expected to pay ahead for their student’s meals. The procedures that follow are graduated and based on the student’s grade level.  


There is no charging at any grade level for A La Carte foods including snack milk & juice. If students do not have money in their account in grades Pre-K-5 for snack milk or juice then the food service staff will let the teacher know by putting a star next to their name on the checklist. The star means the student may not have snack milk or juice. When money is received then the star will be removed. 


Staff: There is no charging by adults. All staff may open an account and deposit money at any time. Staff should see the kitchen manager at their school to open an account.


Grades 9-12: Students may charge one reimbursable breakfast and one reimbursable lunch. There is no charging for A La Carte items. The following procedures are to be followed:


  1. Cashiers [may] inform students when their accounts are low. The threshold is $7.50.

  2. Negative balance notices are sent home daily by email. Managers send paper notices home with students once a week for whom there is no email address on file. The list of students with no email is received from the school secretary.

  3. When the maximum charging limit has been reached, the manager calls the parents.

  4. If no response within 3 working days the manager forwards the information to the Food Services Director. The director calls the parents and explains the free and reduced application process in addition to the Village Fund process.

  5. If Food Services Director receives no response within 3 working days, the guidance counselor and principal are notified and contact the parents.


Grades Pre-K-8: Students may charge a maximum of five reimbursable meals lunches. There is no charging for A La Carte items. The following procedures are to be followed:


  1. The low balance threshold is $7.50 at which time an email notification will occur.

  2. Negative balance notices are sent home daily by email. Managers send paper notices home with students once a week for whom there is no email address on file. The list of students with no email is received from the school secretary.

  3. When the maximum charging limit has been reached, the manager calls the parents.

  4. If no response within 3 working days the manager forwards the information to the Food Services    Director. The director calls the parents and explains the free and reduced application process in addition to the Village Fund process.

  5.  If there is no response within 3 working days, the guidance counselor and principal are notified and contact the parents.

When a student leaves the district owing monies, the bill is sent to the Central Office for payment. 


When a student leaves the district with a positive meal plan balance, upon written request, funds will be transferred to a sibling’s account or refunded. Otherwise, all funds are transferred to the Village Fund


Adopted: 05/21/18


  • Section E