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  • Section G: Personnel


This policy addresses evaluation of teachers and other certified professional staff; evaluation of principals is addressed in policy GCOC, Evaluation of Administrative Staff. 

The Board believes a well-planned and systematic program of supervision and evaluation of performance tied to educational outcomes is vital to the ongoing improvement of the instructional program.  It is the Board’s responsibility to ensure that sufficient administrative time and energy are expended to supervise and evaluate teachers and other certified professional staff.

The purpose of evaluation shall be to assist teachers and other professional certified staff in developing and strengthening their professional abilities, as well as assessing their progress in professional performance.

The Board expects its administrators to encourage teachers and other certified professional staff in developing professional skills and abilities.


Teachers will be evaluated in accordance with RSU 21’s performance evaluation and professional growth system. This system has been developed in accordance with Maine’s Educator Effectiveness law (20-A MRSA § 13701-13706). The performance evaluation and professional growth system, which applies to teachers and principals, has been approved by the Board.


Formal evaluations shall be made by designated administrators. Evaluation of probationary teachers shall be an ongoing process, with the understanding that probationary teachers require closer support and more frequent performance reviews.  Probationary teachers shall in any event be evaluated at least once in each year of their probationary employment. A formal evaluation of a probationary teacher should be completed before May 1 of each school year. 


For all other certified professional staff, the Superintendent shall be responsible for overseeing the development, implementation and periodic review of a comprehensive program of supervision and evaluation, which provides minimum standards for the number and frequency of formal performance reviews. 

The designated administrator/evaluator is responsible for conducting a thorough, fair, and objective evaluation of such certified professional staff members. The evaluation should be an interactive process that enables the administrator to assess and make recommendations that contribute to the ongoing professional growth of the staff member. 



The following procedures shall apply to evaluation of certified professional staff:

  1. Criteria used for evaluation shall be in written form and made permanently available to the staff member;

  2. Evaluations shall be made by an immediate supervisor/administrator, or by other person(s) designated by the Superintendent;

  3. Results of the evaluation shall be put in writing and shall be discussed with the staff member; and signed by the staff member; the staff member’s signature does not necessarily mean agreement with the evaluation;

  4. Following each evaluation interview, the administrator and staff member may discuss matters pertaining to the staff member’s professional growth;

  5. The staff member being evaluated shall have the right to attach a memorandum to the written evaluation

  6. Results of all evaluations shall be kept in confidential personnel files maintained by the district; the file will be available for the staff member’s review and shall include any  statements filed by the staff member.

In keeping with the Board’s goal of employing the best qualified staff  to provide quality education for all students, all teachers are expected to participate fully in the evaluation process, self-appraisal and continuous improvement of professional skills.

While supervision and evaluation policies and procedures are not negotiable in collective bargaining, the Superintendent is to seek appropriate involvement of staff in the development and periodic review of the performance evaluation and professional growth system. 

Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA §§ 1055, 13201; 13701-13706, 13802

Me. Dept. of Ed. Rule Ch. 125 §§ 4.02(E) (3), 8.08 

Adopted: Date not recorded

Revised: 11/26/1984

Revised: 12/8/1997

Revised: 6/12/2000

Revised: 6/11/2001

Revised: 12/10/2019

Revised: 12/6/2021



  • Section G