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  • Section G: Personnel

GDFA - Supervision and Evaluation of Support Personnel

The RSU 21 supervision and evaluation program for support personnel is based on the premise that support personnel (those employees not designated as instructional personnel or administrator)  have an important role in the operations of the District and its schools and that these employees have a commitment to continual improvement in their knowledge, skills and abilities. 

The supervision and evaluation program provides the opportunity for employees and their supervisor to clarify job responsibilities, and for supervisors to provide feedback on job performance, so as to give supervisors the opportunity to reinforce positive results and provide direction for improvement.

Performance evaluation should be viewed as a continuous process between an employee and their supervisor with frequent communication and observation. It should be understood that new employees will require closer support and more frequent reviews prior to a formal annual performance review. 

The Board expects objectivity and fairness in the supervision and evaluation program

The immediate supervisor shall be the primary evaluator. For school-based staff, when the primary evaluator is not the principal, the supervisor must consult with or inform the principal on all evaluations. 

All supervisors will complete an annual written evaluation on each employee under their supervision. 

Criteria used for evaluation will be in written form and available to the employee before the annual performance evaluation.

Results of the evaluation shall be put in writing and be discussed with the employee. 

The employee shall sign the completed evaluation form acknowledging receipt of the evaluation and any attachment and receive a copy for their records. Such signing does not imply agreement with the evaluation but indicates that the evaluation has been reviewed in the meeting with the employee. The employee being evaluated shall also have the right to submit a written response to the formal evaluation if desired.

Results of all evaluations shall be kept in confidential personnel files.

Annual performance evaluations of employees should be completed on time.

Cross Reference:  GAB–Job Descriptions


Adopted:  08/30/21

  • Section G