- Section J: Students
The Board of School Directors initiates this code of corrective action recognizing that the privilege of students to ride on district school transportation vehicles is conditional on their behavior and observance of these rules and standards.
Any student violating discipline/safety rules while riding on an RSU 21 transportation vehicle is subject to a corrective action process. The Transportation Rubric for Corrective Action provides the levels of behavior and corrective actions for each offense.
Any Bus Conduct Report will result in Corrective Action being taken as necessary and may result in a range of actions from warning to suspension.
When a child/children’s misconduct is so severe that it impacts the safety of the passengers and driver, the Transportation Director or a Principal has the right to deny privileges to a student immediately until the parents/guardians and administrators can meet to discuss the misconduct. If a conduct form is submitted, the Parents/guardians will be notified immediately. Please remember that written permission is required to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop, and that it is against the law to use tobacco, electronic smoking devices, or alcohol products on the bus or at school.
Denial of Transportation Privileges: Any action resulting in suspension of transportation privileges includes all trips on RSU 21 Transportation Department vehicles including athletic trips, field trips, and after school transportation to any school related activities.
These rules are posted on all buses.
Respect Your Riding Privileges. Follow These Rules:
RSU 21 Bus Rules
1. Seat to seat, back to back. Never stand while the bus is moving.
2. No eating or drinking.
3. Talk quietly with people in your seat and across the aisle only.
4. Nothing out the window: no gestures, no voices, no hands, no papers.
5. Respect all people and property. You don’t have to be friends, but be friendly.
6. Permission must be obtained from the operator prior to opening windows.
7. Middle School and High School students must receive permission from the Transportation Director before riding on elementary school runs.
8. If a student is causing a safety infraction that endangers the lives of other passengers, the vehicle operator has the right to stop the vehicle, notify the transportation office of the safety infraction, and the student will be removed from the vehicle. The student will be transported home on another school transportation vehicle.
Motion to Review
Any unresolved transportation issue may be reviewed by submitting a request in writing to the RSU 21 Transportation Director. Appeals will follow the District’s Complaint Appeal Process.
Amended: 12/22/97
Amended: 01/08/07
Amended: 08/17/09
Amended: 10/17/11
Amended: 08/29/16
ACAC - Service Animals in Schools Policy
KE - Complaint Appeals Policy
- Section J