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  • Section J: Students


  1. The basis for this Policy. The School Board seeks to maintain a safe and orderly environment in the schools. To further this objective, policy JIH gives school administrators the right to question and/or search students in accordance with the terms of this policy and its accompanying administrative procedure JIH-R

  2. Requirements for Instituting Searches. Students, their personal property, and their vehicles may be searched by law enforcement or administration upon reasonable suspicion that they possess any items or substances (i) which are prohibited by law or violate Board policies and/or school rules, or (ii) which interfere with the operations, discipline or general welfare of the school. The Superintendent may authorize a search without individualized suspicion in special circumstances after consultation, if practicable, with legal counsel.

  3. Involvement of Law Enforcement. In circumstances involving a credible threat of violence or other imminent safety concern, law enforcement personnel shall be summoned  by RSU 21 administration and permitted to conduct searches and interviews as they deem necessary and lawful, which may include canine searches.

  4. Limitations on Student Privacy Rights. Student use of all school storage facilities, including, but not limited to, lockers, desks, and parking lots, is a privilege granted by the school. All storage facilities are school property and remain under the control, custody, and supervision of the school. Students have no expectation of privacy for items placed in school storage facilities. School administrators have the authority to inspect and search storage facilities and their contents on a random basis, with or without reasonable suspicion, and without notice or consent.

  5. Use of Evidence. If a search produces evidence that a student has violated or is violating the law, Board policies and/or school rules, such evidence may be seized and impounded by school administrators and appropriate disciplinary action may be taken. Evidence may be forwarded to law enforcement authorities as required by law or as deemed appropriate by school administrators.

  6. Consequences for Refusal to Comply with Search Directive. A student who refuses to comply with a search directive may be subject to disciplinary action, including the disciplinary consequences for the suspected violation.

  7. Implementation of Procedures.The Superintendent is authorized to develop and implement, with input from legal counsel, administrators, and/or other appropriate persons, any administrative procedures necessary to carry out this policy.  

  8. Annual Report.The Superintendent shall provide an annual report to the Board indicating whether any subgroups are disproportionately subjected to searches. 

  9. Publication of this Policy. School staff, students and parents shall be informed of this policy on an annual basis through handbooks and/or other means selected by school administrators.

Cross Reference: JICH - Substance Use Policy 

JICIA - Weapons, Violence and School Safety - Rules for Students, Staff, and Volunteers

KLG - Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities

Adopted: 6/11/01    
Reviewed: 4/26/10   
Revised: 4/22/24

  • Section J