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  • Section J: Students


The Board is aware of the relationship between student health and success in school. Recognizing that parents/guardians bear the major responsibility for attending to the health needs of their children and that the school system has an interest in the well-being of its students, the Board adopts the following policy. 

  1. Physical Examinations and Screenings 

Parents/guardians shall be encouraged to have their children physically examined by a licensed healthcare provider (defined as a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant) prior to entering school and annually thereafter when insurance coverage allows, but not less frequently than once every two years.  Documentation of the physical exam is required prior to starting school and again when entering middle school. ​Dental examinations shall also be encouraged. 

Vision and hearing screenings will be conducted as required by Maine law. Parents will be notified of any suspected health problems identified through the screening and follow up will be recommended.  

School staff is encouraged to be alert to the general well-being of students and should refer any safety concerns to the building principal, social-emotional concerns to the school counselor or social worker, and any medical concerns to the school nurse.  

  1. Participation in Athletics 

Students who wish to participate in middle school or high school athletics are required to have a physical examination and medical approval before doing so. The physical examination must have been given by a licensed healthcare provider within the year when insurance allows, but not more than two years prior to participation. A student will not be allowed to participate in practice or competition without the required physical examination and medical approval. 

  1. The Pre-Participation Exam

The pre-participation physical examination will include a “History” portion, which will establish a baseline of information regarding the athlete. The history portion should be completed online by the athlete and signed by the athlete’s parent or guardian each year. Each year the school nurse/athletic trainer will review the athlete’s preparticipation physical examination form. If there are changes in the medical history, the school nurse/athletic trainer should bring it to the attention of the licensed healthcare professional and a decision will be made concerning whether the student athlete needs to have another complete physical examination, or not, before proceeding with participation in athletics. Athletes who sustained major injuries or have medical illnesses during the interim (the time that elapses between the two examinations, should be recycled into the Physical Examination and Screening protocol at the start of the next school year, regardless of the grade they attend. 

  1. Parental Consent 

Parent/guardian consent shall be required for physical examinations if given by the school physician or under the auspices of the school.  

Parents/guardians and eligible students (students 18 years of age or older) shall be notified annually and have the opportunity to opt the student out of any non-emergency, invasive, physical examination or screening that is: 

  • Required as a condition of attendance; 

  • Administered by the school and scheduled by the school in advance; and 

  • Not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of the student, or of other students. 

For the purpose of this policy, “invasive physical examination” means any medical examination that involves the exposure of private body parts, or any act during such examination that includes incision, insertion, or injection into the body, but does not include a hearing, vision or scoliosis screening. 


Legal Reference: 

20-A M.R.S.A. §§ 6402-A, 6451-6453 20 U.S.C. § 1232h(c) 
20 U.S.C. § 1232h(c)

Cross Reference: JLCB - Immunization of Students

Adopted: 12/22/97
Amended: 07/16/01
Amended: 01/11/21



  • Section J