- Section J: Students
To protect the health of students identified with serious allergies, the School Department will take the steps outlined in this procedure.
Identification of Students and Allergy Action Plans
1. Parents/guardians of students with known or serious allergies should notify the building principal/school nurse.
a. The parents/guardians shall provide a written medical diagnosis of the allergy from a primary care provider and/or allergist as well as instructions for treating allergic reactions at school.
b. In order to facilitate consistency in the student’s health care management, parents/guardians are encouraged to provide written consent for the school nurse and/or other appropriate school official to communicate directly with the student/s physician or allergist.
2. The school nurse or other school official will convene a meeting with the parents/guardians, and the student (if appropriate) to discuss the student’s particular situation.
a. The school nurse or other school official may consult as necessary with the school physician regarding student allergies and appropriate responses to those allergies.
3. Any request to administer medications to a student or to have a student self-administer medications will be addressed in accordance with the Board’s policy on student medications.
a. Students with serious allergies will be encouraged to wear a medic alert bracelet.
4. If the student has a disability within the meaning of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the school will convene a 504 team meeting and determine if a 504 plan is necessary. The Allergy Action Plan discussed below shall be referenced in the student’s Section 504 Plan.
5. For all allergies in which some school intervention may be required, the school nurse will develop an Emergency Medical Plan to respond to a student’s potential health implications.
6. If a student’s allergy rises to the level of being a disability, a 504 plan will be developed in consultation with the parents/guardians, student and other persons as appropriate (e.g., student’s physician). Typically the nurse, guidance and other school officials will participate in drafting a 504 plan, if necessary. The plan should address the steps which the school, parents/guardians and the student will take to minimize the risk of an allergic reaction at school. To the extent appropriate to the student’s age, the student will be encouraged to take responsibility for minimizing his/her risks of an allergic reaction. Parents are expected to educate their child on managing his/her allergy and to work collaboratively with school staff on managing the allergy at school.
a. To the extent practical, existing school first aid/emergency response, medication administration, field trip, bus and other applicable policies/procedures will be followed.
b. If any changes in existing school rules, procedures or practices are considered as part of an individual student’s 504 plan, the school nurse or other official will consult with the building principal and/or Superintendent as appropriate, and any such changes must be made only with administrative approval.
c. With respect to emergency action plans, the school nurse retains final decision-making authority. With respect to 504 plans, the student’s 504 team retains final decision-making authority. Parents of students with a 504 plan will receive a copy of their procedural safeguards which includes other avenues to pursue dispute resolution.
7. The student’s 504 plan will be reviewed as warranted and whenever the student has an allergic reaction at school to see if any changes to the Plan are warranted.
8. 504 Plans and emergency action plans may be reasonably modified as appropriate and necessary for otherwise qualified students participating in school unit extra/co-curricular activities.
Grade-Level and Classroom Actions
1. Teachers and other staff who have direct supervisory responsibilities for a student with a 504 plan will be informed as appropriate to their responsibilities.
2. Parents/guardians and students in the classroom(s) of a student with a serious food allergy should receive information as needed about steps they can take to minimize the risks of exposure for the affected student(s).
3. Students and staff who are in the class of a student with a serious food allergy will be encouraged to wash their hands after eating. Surfaces which the allergic student may contact (desk, computer keyboard, etc.) will be wiped down as needed.
4. The school nurse or his/her designee will inform classmates of students with food allergies about the potential dangers of trading or sharing food and utensils.
5. Signs may be posted if appropriate in the school building to inform occupants of allergy issues; but the school cannot guarantee that the school is free of such allergens
6. Parents/guardians may provide special snacks which their child may choose instead of classroom-provided snacks as appropriate.
Cafeteria Actions
1. Cafeteria staff will be informed of all students who have a 504 plan because of a serious food allergy.
2. At least one allergen-aware table will be maintained in the cafeteria any time there is one or more students with a serious food allergy, at a sufficient distance from the other tables to minimize cross-contamination. The table will be clearly identified.
3. In grades K-5 a school staff member will be assigned to monitor the allergen-aware table.
4. All lunch tables where a student with a serious food allergy dines will be sanitized before and after students eat.
5. Students and staff working in the classroom of a student with an Allergy Action Plan will be encouraged to wash their hands after eating.
6. Cafeteria staff will use non-latex gloves.
Bus Transportation
1. Bus drivers will be informed of all students on their bus runs/trips who have a serious allergy, if relevant to transportation of the students.
2. No eating on the bus during routine bus trips to and from school, unless it is medically necessary.
3. Bus drivers will be responsible for instructing students about bus protocols related to food annually.
4. Preferential seating at the front of the bus may be arranged with the bus driver/transportation department, as needed.
Staff Training and Informational Materials
1. The Superintendent, building principal, school nurse, or other school official may institute in-service training and/or distribute educational materials about allergies to school staff as he/she deems appropriate.
2. Designated staff will be offered training to use epi-pens, inhalers and/or other medications in accordance with the Board’s student medication policy.
Cross Reference:
JLCCB - Student Allergies
JLCD - Administering Medications to Students in School
Adopted: 11/20/17
- Section J