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  • Section K: School Community Relations


Complaints should generally be addressed as close to the problem as possible.  Problems relating to an individual classroom should first be brought to the attention of the teacher involved.  Problems relating to a particular school should be brought to the attention of the guiding principal.  Problems involving special areas such as special education, transportation, food service, etc. should be called to the attention of the administrator who has responsibility for that program.  The superintendent’s office can direct callers to the appropriate person to respond to a specific complaint if the complainant is unsure of whom to approach.

Complaints about individual school personnel should first be brought to the attention of that individual and then to that person’s immediate supervisor.

If a complaint is not addressed in a timely manner or if the complainant is not satisfied with the disposition of the complaint, the complainant may appeal to a higher level.  The Building Principal, Assistant Superintendent or Business Manager may be contacted for an appeal depending on the nature of the complaint.  If the issue has not been satisfactorily addressed the complainant may submit a written statement of complaint to the Superintendent.  The Superintendent of Schools is generally the final source of appeal.

Board members can direct patrons to the person best able to solve the problem and request information on the disposition of a particular problem.  However, Board members cannot act in their official capacity as individuals but only within the setting of a Board meeting and only after all avenues of appeal have been exhausted.

Should dissatisfaction remain after the above steps have been taken, the Superintendent and Board Chair will review the issue and determine whether it is appropriate for full board review.  In this case, the matter will be placed on the agenda for a regularly scheduled Board meeting.  The decision of the Board will be communicated in writing to all interested parties.


Adopted:  10/16/00

Reviewed: 06/21/10


  • Section K