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  • Section K: School Community Relations


Because it is the intention of the District not to provide a forum to be used by outside individuals or groups to communicate with students or employees, RSU 21 provides rules governing the distribution of materials. There are different rules of distribution that apply to  non-school individuals or groups and school groups. Subsection 2 defines organizations which are considered school groups. Non-school individuals or groups include school employees acting outside the scope of their assigned duties as school employees. 

  1.  In-Person Distribution on School Premises - Except when invited as part of a school sponsored function, non-school individuals and groups shall not be permitted to distribute materials, or to otherwise communicate with students, on school premises.

  1.  Involuntary Distribution of Materials to Students - RSU 21 will limit the distribution of unsolicited materials to students to official communications from the following categories of organizations which are considered school groups:

  • the Board of School Directors, Superintendent, Administrators, and school staff;

  • Municipal Departments (e.g. Recreation Department);

  • Board approved School Parent and Booster groups;

  • Governmentally funded school programs; 

  • Publicly funded libraries; 

  • Universities, colleges, and public schools; and 

  • State and Federal Government organizations.

  • Locally sponsored youth athletic programs and locally sponsored youth civic groups that directly support the educational goals  of the district and provide benefits to the students.

  1. Voluntary Access to Non Commercial Materials - 

    • Approved material from a group not on the list in subsection 2. above will be made available (a) in a central location in the school and/or (b) electronically on the website.   

    • Printed materials  will not be sent home with students;  rather, the material will be made available electronically. RSU 21 will place a community organization and announcement link on the front page of the district website, as well as on each school’s website.  Approved materials will be posted to this website within two weeks of submission.

    •  Each organization seeking to submit information to students or families under this subsection shall provide an electronic copy to the Superintendent’s Office for approval at least two weeks prior to the requested posting date. The Superintendent retains the discretion to decline to disseminate any information he or she deems inappropriate or that will not directly enhance the educational goals of the schools. The Superintendent’s decision shall be final. 

  2. Prohibited Materials - Materials that substantially disrupt the instructional process or educational mission of the school, that are lewd or obscene, that are libelous or that promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco/nicotine, or any illegal activities will not be displayed by RSU 21 schools.

  3. Distribution of Commercial Materials - Commercial materials will not be distributed to students except in the case of those whose purpose is to further a school activity such as graduation, class pictures, class rings or approved fund-raising activities.

  1. District Endorsement of Materials - The distribution or display of materials does not constitute the endorsement of RSU 21. All materials shall contain a notice on the flyers indicating that the views of that particular organization are not necessarily the views of RSU 21, the Board of Directors, or any employee of RSU 21.

Reference JJE  

Adopted: 11/22/93

Reviewed: 09/08/97

Revised: 12/13/10

Revised: 06/04/12

Revised: 12/15/14

Revised: 10/30/23


  • Section K